Public List sourcepieces = new List ; containing however many pieces for a single level. I now want to add levels, so I need either an array of sourcepieces or a list of sourcepieces. I can then have a variable for level, and produce my list of levelpieces based on which level I am on. Using Arrays in Unity. Unity provides an automatic GUI solution to editing arrays in certain contexts through the Unity Inspector. There are two ways to get an array to be displayed in the inspector, you can either make it public (as shown above), or you can serialise it. This is how you would make a declaration serialised. A key ingredient in scripting 3D games with Unity is the ability to work with C# to create arrays, lists, objects and dictionaries within the Unity platform. In this tutorial, we help you to get started with creating arrays, lists, and dictionaries effectively. This article is an excerpt from Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2017. This Unity3D programming post explains how to create a C# script that lists the files in a directory. Additionally, for the sake of completeness, this post also shows a rudimentary method that allows to select one of the files from the list and how to deal with some of the potential IO errors. Unity Authorized Training and Certification Partners are organizations that have met strict standards of excellence and are authorized to offer training courses and Unity Certification Exams on behalf of Unity Technologies. To find a partner near you, please consult the list below.
The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) is a division of the American Library Association. ALSC’s core purpose is creating a better future for children through libraries. ALSC advances that purpose through the core values of: collaboration, excellence, inclusiveness, innovation, integrity and respect, leadership and responsiveness. The Unity. Kindness. Peace. booklist was created to share the message of creating unity, acting with kindness toward others, and promoting peace. The Working Together for Justice booklist was created to affirm the rights of children and families, while encouraging discussions about social justice and equity. ALSC is committed to creating a better future for children through libraries and encourages parents and caregivers to speak with their local librarians for additional books and other helpful resources.
ALSC's Board of Directors endorses BCALA's statement condemning increased violence and racism toward Black Americans and people of color and stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, BCALA, and those working to dismantling racial capitalism and white supremacy in all of its forms.
Updated June 2020
Working Together for Justice Booklist Brochure [PDF, 1.35 MB] - Color, double-sided booklet
Working Together for Justice Booklist - [PDF, 390 KB] - Printer friendly version
Unity. Kindness. Peace. Booklist Brochure [PDF, 442 KB] - Color, double-sided booklet]
Unity. Kindness. Peace. Booklist [PDF, 283 KB] - Printer friendly version
These lists were compiled by the Quicklists Consulting Committee of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.
C# has a range of classes for dealing with lists. They implement the IList interface and the most popular implementation is the generic list, often referred to as List<T>. The T specifies the type of objects contained in the list, which has the added benefit that the compiler will check and make sure that you only add objects of the correct type to the list - in other words, the List<T> is type-safe.
As mentioned, the T stands for type and is used to specify the type of objects you want the list to contain. In our first example, I will show you how to create a list which should contain strings:
This creates an empty list, but adding stuff to it afterwards is very easy with the Add method:
However, if you try to add something that is not a string, the compiler will immediately complain about it:
Initializing a list with items
In the above example, we just created a list and then we added an item to it. However, C# actually allows you to create a list AND add items to it within the same statement, using a technique called collection initializers. Let's see how it's done:
The syntax is quite simple: Before the usual ending semicolon, we have a set of curly brackets, which in turn holds a list of the values we want to be present in the list from the start. Since this is a list of strings, the initial objects we provide should of course be of the string type. However, the exact same can be accomplished for list of other types, even if we're using our own classes, as I will demonstrate in the next example.
Working with the items
There are several ways to work with the items of a generic list and to show you some of them, I have created a larger example:
Let's start from the bottom, where we define a simple class for holding information about a User - just a name and an age. Back to the top part of the example, where I have changed our list to use this User class instead of simple strings. I use a collection initializer to populate the list with users - notice how the syntax is the same as before, just a bit more complex because we're dealing with a more complex object than a string.
Once we have the list ready, I use a for loop to run through it - to know how many iterations we're going to do, I use the Count property of the List. On each iteration, I access the user in question through the indexer of the list, using the square bracket syntax (e.g. listOfUsers[i]). Once I have the user, I output name and age.
Adding, Inserting & Removing items
We already tried adding a single item to a list, but there are more options for doing this. First of all, you can Insert an item instead of adding it - the difference is that while the Add method always adds to the end of the list, the Insert method allows you to insert an item at a specific position. Here's an example:
We start the list of with just one item, but then we insert two more items, first at the top of the list and then in the middle. The first parameter of the Insert method is the index where we want to insert the item. Be careful though - an exception will be thrown if you try to insert an item at index 3, if the list has less items!
Adding multiple items
Just like we have the Add and Insert methods for adding a single item, there are also corresponding methods for adding and inserting multiple items. They are called AddRange() and InsertRange() and accepts any type of collection which implements the IEnumerable interface as a parameter - this could be e.g. an array of items or another list, which items you want to add or insert into the current list.
As an example on the Range methods, let's do something fun - we combine the AddRange method with a collection initializer to add several new names to an existing list in a single statement:
We simply create an array of strings on-the-fly and immediately append its items to our list of names from the previous example.
Removing items
Unity Lists
There are currently three methods at your disposal when you want to remove one or several items from a list: Remove(), RemoveAt() and RemoveAll().
The Remove() method takes just one parameter: The item you want to remove. This is great for e.g. a list of strings or integers, because you can simply just write the item you want to remove. On the other hand, if you have a list of complex objects, you would have to find that object first, to have a reference you could pass to the Remove() method.¨Let's deal with that later - here's a very basic example on how you can remove a single item with the Remove() method:
The Remove() method simply iterates through the list until it finds the first instance of the object you specified for removal, and them removes it - it only removes one instance, and if you specify an item in the list which doesn't exist, no error is thrown. The method returns true if it was able to remove an item and false if it wasn't.
The RemoveAt() method takes advantage of the fact that the generic list is index based by allowing you to remove an item based on its index/position in the list. For instance, you could remove the first item from the list like this:
Or the last item in the list like this:
Again, this only removes a single item and this time, you should be careful when providing the index of the item to be removed - if you use an index that falls out of bounds (lower than 0 or higher than the amount of items) an exception will be thrown! So, unless you're sure of what you're doing, you might want to wrap the RemoveAt() method in a try-catch block for handling the exception (explained in detail elsewhere in this tutorial). The RemoveAt() method doesn't return anything, so you will have to check the amount of items in the list before and after the call, to decide if it was successful - on the other hand, if you know that you have an index that exists in the list, which you should always make sure of, then you can always expect RemoveAt() to be successful.
The RemoveAll() is the most complex of the remove-methods, but definitely also the most powerful. It takes a delegate to a method as its parameter and this method then decides whether an item should be removed or not by returning true or false. This allows you to apply your own logic when removing items and it also allows you to remove more than one item at a time. Delegates will be treated elsewhere in this tutorial, because it's a big and complex subject, but I still want you to get a feel of how cool the RemoveAll method is, so here's an example:
In this example, we use an anonymous method (again too complex to be explained here, but it will be treated in another chapter) as a parameter for the RemoveAll method. Our anonymous method is pretty simple - it will be called for each item in the list and have a parameter called name, which is of course the current item in the iteration. It looks at this name and if it starts with 'J', true is returned - otherwise false. The RemoveAll() method uses this response (true or false) to decide if each item should be removed or not. In the end, this leaves our initial list with just one Doe member left: Another Doe.
Unity Lists Api
Sorting List Items
So far, the items in the list we have worked with has just been used in the order in which they were added to the list. However, you may want to have the items sorted in a specific way, e.g. alphabetically in the case of our list-of-names. The List<T> has a Sort() method which we can use for this:
Unity Lists Functions
As you will see from the output, the items in the list have now been sorted alphabetically, and if you want it in descending order instead (from Z to A), simply call the Reverse() method after you perform the sort:
So sorting a list was pretty easy, right? Well, it was mainly so easy because we have a list of strings and the .NET framework knows exactly how to compare two strings. If you have a list of numbers, .NET will, of course, know how to sort that as well. On the other hand, you might have a list of custom objects (since the List<T> can contain any object) which .NET doesn't have a chance of knowing how to compare. There are several solutions to this problem, e.g. implementing the IComparable interface or using LINQ (we'll look into both later in this tutorial), but as a quick-fix, we can also just provide a method for the Sort() method to call, to learn how two items stack up against each other, like this:
Unity Using Lists
This added quite a bit of code to our example, but it's actually not too complicated. If we start from the bottom, I have created a very simple User class, consisting of a name and an age. In the middle, I have declared a method called CompareUsers() - it takes two users as parameters and then returns an integer, which will indicate whether one item is 'smaller', 'the same' or 'larger' (-1, 0 or 1). These values will be used by the Sort() method to move the items around so that the order of items will match what we want. In this case, I simply use the Age property for comparison, essentially leaving us with a list of users sorted by their age.
This article is one of the longer ones in this tutorial, but hopefully you learned a lot about lists, because the more programming you do, the more you will realize how important lists and dictionaries are. Speaking of dictionaries, we'll discuss them in the next article.