Parcel Post Box

Sizes for Parcels

Parcel Post Box

If your mailpiece isn't a postcard, Letter, or a flat (large envelope) , then it's a parcel. You may be surprised to find out that 'parcels' are not just big boxes. Many mailers send small parcels in all classes of mail. Parcels offer some of the best value for your postage dollars.

Whether you’re looking for a wall mountable secure parcel box, a wall mountable letter box, a large parcel drop box or a letter box for your home, iLoveParcels is here to help! All of our post boxes and parcel boxes are high-quality, durable products that will ensure the safety of your parcels and other deliveries. Mailing boxes, Sending irregular-shaped or multiple items? A mailing box will give your parcel more protection than a satchel. They're lightweight, strong and easy to put together.Mailing boxesBoxes &.

Parcel Dimensions
Generally, commercial parcels must measure:
  • At least 3 inches high x 6 inches long x 1/4 inch thick.
  • Except for USPS Retail Ground and Parcel Select, no mailpiece may measure more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. Length is the measurement of the longest dimension and girth is the distance around the thickest part (perpendicular to the length). Maximum weight is 70 pounds.
Machinable Parcels

Post Box - Wikipedia

If you prepare your parcels so that they can be processed on Postal Service equipment, your parcel is considered 'machinable.' Machinable parcels are easier to process and deliver, so they are less expensive to mail. Machinable parcels must measure:

Parcel Box Usps

Parcel Post Box
  • No more than 27 inches long x 17 inches width x 17 inches high.
  • No more than 25 pounds (35 pounds for Parcel Select and Parcel Return Service, except books and other printed matter which cannot exceed 25 pounds).
Balloon and Oversized Prices for Parcels

Parcel Post Box Collection Times

Some parcels may be subject to specialized prices. USPS Retail Ground packages that are large but very light (less than 20 pounds) are charged the postage for a 20 pound package. This is often referred to as a balloon price. Very large USPS Retail Ground or Parcel Select packages (over 108 inches but not more than 130 inches in combined length and girth) are charged an oversized price.