Docs For Xcode

Android 12 Developer Preview is here! Try it out, and give us your feedback!

ViEmu for Xcode incorporates the same core vi/vim emulator as its Microsoft's Visual Studio brother. Since version 1.0 in 2005, ViEmu provides a large part of the vi/vim input model (motions, commands, operators, marks, keystroke macros, multiple registers and selection types, etc.). Browse the latest developer documentation, including tutorials, sample code, articles, and API reference. Explore New Content Discover new ways to enhance your app using the latest resources. Docs for Xcode Install extra documentation into Xcode with ease Since version 5, Xcode no longer supports 3rd party docsets. It can display them, but you cannot add new docsets from within Xcode and it won’t update them. Explore the Tools & Frameworks. Try new features in Apple frameworks, and build better apps in Xcode. Sports Analysis with Vision. Detect and classify human activity in real time using Vision and Core ML.

Whether you're building for Android handsets, Wear OS by Google, Android TV, Android Auto, or Android Things, this section provides the guides and API reference you need.

Get started

Android devices

Best practices

Core developer topics

Design guides

More documentation

Android Architecture Blueprints

A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
Docs For Xcode

Universal Android Music Player Sample

This sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices.

Android Architecture Components samples

Samples for Android Architecture Components.

Android testing samples

A collection of samples demonstrating different frameworks and techniques for automated testing.

Topeka for Android

A fun to play quiz that showcases material design on Android.

Android NDK Samples

Android NDK samples with Android Studio.

Android Architecture components

This library provides APIs for essential app architecture tasks like lifecycle management and data persistence, so you can write modular apps with less boilerplate code.

Support library

The Android Support Library offers backward-compatible versions of a number of features, including others not built into the framework.

Data binding library

The Data Binding Library enables you to write declarative layouts.

Android Test

Android Test helps you build and run test code for your app.

Play Billing Library

The Google Play Billing Library provides a simple interface for sending billing requests and managing billing transactions with Google Play.

Android Emulator

You can install and run your app on the Android Emulator faster than with a physical device. It simulates various device configurations and hardware sensors, and it uses a snapshot to quickly resume exactly where you left off.

Configure your build

Android Studio uses Gradle, an advanced build toolkit, to automate the build process, while allowing you to define flexible, custom build configurations.

Build your UI layout

Android Studio includes a layout editor that allows you to build and preview your app UI by dragging elements into a visual design editor instead of writing layout XML by hand.

Profile your app performance

Poor app performance can ruin the user experience and destroy your app's reputation. If it ever responds slowly, shows choppy animations, freezes, crashes, or consumes a lot of power, your users will notice. To avoid these performance problems, use the Android Profiler to measure your app's memory, CPU, and network usage.

More education

Check out these other resources for beginner and experienced Android developers.

Android codelabs

Codelabs are short, self-paced tutorials that step you through the process of building a particular type of app or adding a new feature to an existing app.
Docs for xcode editor

Online video courses

Google partnered with Udacity to teach Android development with online videos. Several free courses are available, or you can enroll in the Nanodegree program.

Training courses

These online trainings provide a guided path through the process of learning how to build Android apps. Courses are available for new and advanced developers.

This page goes over some tips and tricks for using Xcode. If you use a different development environment, you can skip this.

Custom Working Directory¶

By default Xcode will run your project from the DerivedData folder. This folder is not the same as your project's root folder (where your Package.swift file is). This means that Vapor will not be able to find files and folders like .env or Public.

You can tell this is happening if you see the following warning when running your app.

To fix this, set a custom working directory in the Xcode scheme for your project.

Xcode Help

Developer xcode download

First, edit your project's scheme by clicking on the scheme selector by the play and stop buttons.

Select Edit Scheme... from the dropdown.

In the scheme editor, choose the Run action and the Options tab. Check Use custom working directory and enter the path to your project's root folder.

You can get the full path to your project's root by running pwd from a terminal window open there.

Docs For Xcode Download

You should see output similar to the following.